

Huanglong is inthe China. It is near the Sichuan. Going to Huanglong have ten hours from Japan. Common tour cost is one hundred fifty thousand to two hundred thousand. There are 3400 ponds and these are emerald green lakes. This is five-colored lake. These are very famous place and beautiful. I impressed when I watched these picture at first time. Huanglong is high place so we have an hour and thirty minutes to go to there. Some tourists have altitude sickness so physical is very important. An entrance charge is 200 yuan(2800yen). While there are snow-covered in the Huanglong, an entrance charge is 60 yuan but we can’t see the Huanglong because very dangerous.


Animal Kingdom

Animal kingdom opened on April 28, 1998. The theme is animal conservation. This theme park is opened fourth. It is the biggest in Disney world. It is similar to Tokyo Disney Land. There are famous musical in this theme. For example lion king musical. This is very powerful and nice dancing. Other musical is “finding Nemo”. There are many fish with puppet shows. Some animal characters appear on the parade. For example lions, dinosaurs, giraffes and some wild animals. Minne and some Disney characters ride on colorful safari cars. They are walk down jungle. There is a safari park in animal kingdom. People can explore by safari truck. It can be enjoyed in this theme with your family. I recommend you to go there with your family.